Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cards At Work....Home Makeover Edition

I have always been interested in putting together an organized place to work on my hobby and display some of my collection.  Until we bought our current house, my collection was often spread throughout the house which is fine if you're single, but not if your spouse likes to keep the place free of clutter.  My stuff now has a place of its own, but the organization is lacking as you can see in the picture below.
I have an old library checkout desk that I call "card central".  Right now it is covered with boxes so there isn't much room to work.  I have my computer in the middle and my scanner/printer to the right.   A shelf above the desk displays some of my collection as well as keeping a place for items ready to be traded/shipped/sorted.  On the wall you can see a present my wife bought me on our honeymoon, a autographed George Brett print.

One of my goals (and my wife's goal) is to finish renovating our house we bought more than a few years ago.  My personal goal is to get my "baseball room" finished and get my collection organized.  Perhaps, my priority is a little out of line with her priority.  I will continue to post updates of my work in progress but I would be interested in seeing where you work on your collection and how you have some of it displayed.  Put up some posts of your workspace and I will be sure to link to it on my blog.  Just leave me a comment below.


  1. George Brett print - SWEET!
    Display shelf - DOUBLE SWEET!
    Bobbleheads and boxes of cards - TRIPLE SWEET!
    Open beverage within range of spilling and killing both your computer and a giant stack of cards?....DANGER DANGER! :-)

    I wish I had a permanent workspace -- due to having a toddler my workspace is a card table I pull out after he goes to bed. Everything else has to be put in boxes and shelved every night.

    Very nice.

  2. I do live on the edge. Drinks, computers, and cards can provide for a dangerous situation. And stupid me, the drink is sitting right next to a stack of 1975 Topps I am going through.

  3. Very cool Matt. Your space has a very "full of stuff" look to it. I like. Your glass of liquid on the desk makes me nervous though, lol!
